University Heights & Townes Latest News
News & information in and around our community
News & information in and around our community
His & Her Towing and Recovery, LLC
600 Gulf Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28208
Maintenance Issues:
Pool Cards:
Cold Weather Reminder
NewsDear University Heights Residents:
As you may be aware, it is often recommended that smoke detector batteries be changed each year. If you have not already done that, we recommend you replace the batteries now. Also, as cold weather approaches and people are using their heating systems, we recommend everyone check their Carbon Monoxide detectors to ensure they are working as well.
Many owners have a professional company service heating units early in the season. We understand that such companies recommend that Carbon Monoxide Detectors be installed on each level of the home and outside of sleeping areas, and additional alarms recommended 5-20 feet from sources of CO such as a furnace, water heater or fireplace.
If you have any questions about your heating unit or Carbon Monoxide, please contact a licensed HVAC company.
Please stay safe and warm during the winter season!
The University Heights Board of Directors and AMG

Latest News
NewsThe Association’s annual meeting will be held on Monday, December 17, at Back Creek Presbyterian Church, in the Fellowship Hall. The meeting will be from 7 – 8pm, with sign-in starting at 6:30 sign in. An official notice with exact date will be mailed to all owners in the next few weeks.